Microneedling PRP is sometimes called a Vampire Facial. Despite being a useful, minimally invasive procedure, which benefits the vast majority of individuals, there are a lot of myths surrounding it. These myths can withhold individuals from the associated benefits and cause misconceptions to arise about those who have received the treatment. Today we plan to clear up the most common myths to increase public awareness about what microneedling PRP really is.

What is Microneedling PRP really?

Microneedling PRP is a combination treatment of both microneedling and PRP. During microneedling (also known as collagen induction therapy) many tiny pinpricks are made in the area needing assistance. Most often it is done on the face but can be used elsewhere on the body.

This causes the body to begin healing the area because it believes it has been injured. When it does this, new collagen is produced which creates a healthier, more youthful appearance. The procedure can be done to assist with fine lines or wrinkles, sun damage, scarring, discoloration, or even acne and other skin conditions.

PRP stands for ‘Platelet Rich Plasma.’ The addition of PRP to microneedling assists in quicker recovery and overall better results. During the procedure a small amount of plasma is injected back into the skin before or after the procedure to help prompt a quicker body response.

Common Myths – Busted

Myth #1: Another person’s blood is used in the procedure.

Truth: The blood isn’t really blood at all. It’s plasma, rich in platelets, which is produced from your blood but isn’t technically the same thing. Also, it is only your blood which is used in the procedure for safety purposes.

Myth #2: My body can reject the blood used.

Truth: Since it is your own blood there is no risk of rejection. Your body is literally filled with the same stuff.

Myth #3: It’s super painful.

Truth: While pictures seen online make the procedure seem excessively painful, most patients report feeling only minimal discomfort. A special numbing gel can be used to help lessen the discomfort, but it is rare that any patient states it’s super painful. This does, of course, depend entirely on your own pain thresholds.  

Myth #4: Results are immediate, and you only need one session to get them.

Truth: While microneedling PRP may seem like a miracle, the results are not immediate, and it is rare that only one session is necessary. Since the procedure works with your body’s own healing mechanisms, it can take a few weeks to see final results. This is safer, however, and lasts longer.

The number of required sessions will vary from person to person, but between three and six is typical for moderate issues.

Myth #5: You’ll leave the office looking like you just got into a fight – and you’ll feel like it too, for days.

Truth: You should feel fine upon leaving the office, although your face (or other areas) may feel painful for a few days. You may experience minor bruising and swelling up to a few days after the procedure, but you shouldn’t look like you “got into a fight.”

If you’re looking for the fountain of youth, you may just be in luck. Many experts and patients are labeling the new Microneedling PRP procedure as just that. Continue reading below to find out all about this unique procedure, including why it works so well at turning back the clock – for your face, at least.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for “Platelet Rich Plasma.” Plasma is one of the four main things making up everyone’s blood. Platelets are another, along with red and white blood cells. Platelets are what is responsible for the body’s natural healing process, thanks to the fact they contain a ton of proteins called growth factors.

To make sure that the plasma used in this procedure has a high concentration of platelets, a special process is used that separates the red blood cells from the white.

What is the Process?

The process of PRP is simple. The steps are broken down below.

Step 1: Blood will be drawn from the person who is getting microneedling down. It is placed into a tube containing a special separator gel.

Step 2: The vial of blood is placed in a machine called a centrifuge. This spins and blood so the platelets can be separated from one another.

Step 3: The special PRP is now ready to be used, and is extracted from the vial using a small, thin needle.

Step 4: The plasma is delivered into the patient through the Microneedling process. Most often, this is the face.

Benefits of PRP

There are several benefits to choosing PRP microneedling in addition to the benefits of having the procedure done without the plasma delivery. The benefits are as follows:

  • There is little to no risk of having an allergic reaction since the PRP is derived directly from the blood of the person undergoing the procedure.
  • The procedure carries little discomfort.
  • Minimal downtime is necessary.
  • Helps to promote natural collagen production in the skin, which is responsible for the strength, elasticity, and youthfulness of skin.
  • The growth factors found in platelets also helps to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, which are vital to skin health.

After the Procedure

Most people have little to no discomfort after the procedure, although some have mild swelling and bruising as a result of the microneedling. It is highly recommended that you avoid any public appearances like parties or public speaking events for 24 hours after receiving the procedure, just in case.

Since both microneedling and the complimenting PRP work with your body’s natural healing mechanisms, results are not immediate. Your skin will continue to improve over the course of a few months. During this time, you will notice your skin is firmer, smoother, and more youthful in appearance. If you have stretch marks, acne scars, or uneven skin tone, you should also notice a considerable improvement in these areas also.

For best results, most practitioners recommend three to five procedures with a minimum of four to five weeks between each session.

PRP has many modern uses, from a vampire facial to a specialized breast lift. Recent trials have been seeing how significant the procedure is in the process of minimizing the appearance of stretch marks. Can microneedling with PRP fix stretch marks? The answer is a resounding yes – but also a no. Continue reading to see what we mean.

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for ‘Platelet Rich Plasma.’ It refers to a process where blood is drawn from the person undergoing microneedling and is then separated so the plasma is isolated. The plasma contains high levels of platelets, which are responsible for healing the skin thanks to high levels of growth hormones.

When the PRP is injected into the skin before or after microneedling, it prompts a quicker and more effective healing process. This is key in why microneedling works, which shows why the use of PRP in vampire facials makes them so much more effective.

When PRP Can Fix Stretch Marks

With all this being said you would think that PRP would always be beneficial in fixing stretch marks. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You can read below about when patients are not good candidates for the procedure.

If stretch marks are recent, however, PRP is a great choice for fixing them. This is because the body is already working towards healing the marks. The introduction to platelet rich plasma helps to make the process both more efficient and quicker.

When PRP is done within about a month of the stretch marks becoming visible, then the effects are that few remain. They will slowly fade over the course of several months, and what stretch marks do remain will be a very light purple or blue reminiscent of veins noticeable beneath the skin.

When It Can Not

If the stretch marks are older than a month old, PRP does not fix them the way most patients would like. Once the stretch marks have begun to fade the body is not actively working to heal them. They will become less noticeable over time, naturally, but the introduction of platelet rich plasma has the opposite effect most patients are looking for.

Instead of getting rid of them or having them fade, PRP can make them appear silvery in color. This contrasts with the skin so that the marks are more noticeable, despite the skin itself being healthier.

Additional Stretch Mark Tips

The best way to treat stretch marks is to stop them from every becoming an issue. The generous use of lotions or shea butter during pregnancy or when you notice the very first signs of marks is the best method.

Ensuring you keep weight gain or loss at a slow, steady pace is also important. This allows the skin time to adapt to the changes.

Finally, it is of the utmost importance that you always maintain proper hydration and a healthy, well-rounded diet rich in necessary nutrients and vitamins.



Starting with the bronze-skinned era of the 1970’s, recent generations have placed great emphasis on golden skin. On one hand, a nice tan could mean you’ve gotten plenty of vitamin D, fresh air, and (hopefully) exercise outdoors. On the other hand, rates of melanoma – the deadliest skin cancer – have tripled in the last three decades.

Current generations may still appreciate sun-kissed skin as much as previous decades, but they are also much more informed about the dangers. Thus, they use sunblock and limit their exposure much more effectively than in the 1970’s – when teenagers laid out soaked in baby oil for hours with a boom box.

Sun Bathing & The Skin Later

While it isn’t always immediate obvious, all that sun-soaking can really do a number on your skin. Sun damage can be anything from excessive wrinkling, perpetual dark spots, or just plain premature aging – if you’re lucky enough to avoid skin cancer and all of its effects.

Although many people are stating this wasn’t known back in the 70’s or even the 80’s, it should have always been common sense. Think about the cliché image of a leathery-skinned old farmer. How do you think he got that way?

The good news, however, is that there is some hope for your skin. There are some procedures which have the ability to reverse at last some of the significant damage to your skin. Foremost among these is Microneedling PRP.

How Microneedling Can Help

Although many are under the assumption this microneedling trend is brand new, it’s really not. In fact, it has its origins deeply rooted in ancient Chinese medicine with the art of acupuncture.

During microneedling a super-thin needle no larger than an average strand of hair punctures the skin 1K times per minute. These miniscule, barely noticeable puncture holes tell your body it has been injured – like when you scrape your elbow or knees riding a bike as a kid. The immune system then reacts by “healing” the area. This results in healthier skin after.

It sounds painful, but most patients state there is only a mild discomfort after and only pressure during. To be on the safe side, most doctors utilize a numbing gel prior to beginning to further minimize any discomfort or pain which may be experienced.

Benefits of Adding PRP

The addition of PRP to the microneedling process is fairly new, and its height to popularity has largely been credited to Kim Kardashian and her Instagram post. Whatever the reason, it has been proven to have considerable additional benefits when combined with the already effective method of microneedling.

PRP stand for “Platelet Rich Plasma.” During this part of the procedure, a patient has a small vial of their blood drawn. Using a special separator gel and a spinning machine, the plasma is separated from the rest of the blood. This plasma, rich in growth hormones, is delivered to the face where microneedling has occurred. Alternatively, it may be placed on the skin prior to microneedling.

It has been shown that using PRP renders microneedling as much a 40% more effective at increasing collagen, and also speeds up the healing process considerably. This ultimately results in two large benefits: (1) less microneedling procedures are needed to obtain maximum results, and (2) less downtime is required after each session.


While regular microneedling procedures have been assisting patients in improving the look of their face for years now, there is always room for improvement – and that new improvement is finally here! Advanced microneedling is a distinct upgrade which allows for the injection of a serum-based nutrient formula or your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) with every individual puncture.

This seemingly simple upgrade comes with numerous benefits unique to Advanced Microneedling. When improvements are made to an already raved about procedure, you know the results are going to be fantastic. To learn more about just a few of the additional benefits you can expect from your advanced procedure, continue reading below.

Less Painful

The serum used is not just great for your skin’s health, but it also acts as a lubricant for the needles being placed into your skin. This makes the procedure less painful than the original, in which no lubricant was used. It also assists in the healing process, thus allowing for less down time.

Plumper Effect

The caps on the top of the new machines form a U shape, which allows for the injected serum to go deeper into the skin. The effect is plumper, more youthful appearing skin than what was gained through the original procedure – and those were already statistically great results.

Less Sessions

Industry experts recommended that you receive one treatment of traditional microneedling every three to four weeks for five to six months in order to experience the most noticeable, longest lasting results. This means the traditional procedure required anywhere from six to fifteen sessions.

Advanced microneedling, on the other hand, only requires three to four sessions. This not only means needing less time from your hectic schedule, but also makes it much more cost effective. While each individual session will cost marginally more than traditional, you save a LOT of money by needing less than half the number of treatments.

Produce New Collagen Naturally

Microneedling prompts your skin to produce a new, healthier layer of collagen. The results occur around three days (or 72 hours) later, with a noticeably tighter appearance. It is not only tighter, but also healthier.

In addition to the obvious benefit of generally appearing more youthful, you can expect the following benefits to occur between three days and six months of your initial advanced microneedling procedure:

  • vast reduction in scars (including acne marks, chicken pox scarring, burns, and more)
  • stretch marks will begin to fade with each treatment
  • wrinkles will become less deep and pronounced
  • cellulite is reduced or alleviated
  • pores are shrunk (including black heads)
  • age spots are minimized
  • sagginess is reduced so the face is generally firmer

Proven Nutrients

The nutrients used in the injectable serum are proven to be effective at healing the skin. A few of the ingredients contained within the serum include collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, witch hazel (with no added alcohol), and vitamin E. Together these skin boosters take your appearance – and confidence – to a whole new level than traditional procedures were able to provide.


A vampire facial sounds like something out of a horror movie. It invokes visions of a long-fanged monster attaching themselves to your face. But fear not, that is NOT what it is. Vampire facial is actually a trendy nickname for a variation of the procedure known as micro needling. Sometimes micro needling is also referred to as skin needling or collagen induction therapy (CIT). It is a minimally invasive procedure meant to rejuvenate the skin, which was made popular by fashionista Kim Kardashian.

How It Works

A machine outfitted with ultra-fine needles creates tiny punctures in the top layer of your skin. This is called controlled injury and prompts your skin to create new collagen and elastin to heal itself.

These two things are vital in healthy skin and tend to reduce as we age. The idea behind a vampire facial is that it boosts your skin’s natural healing powers, thus allowing it to not only look better but get stronger starting from the inside and working its way out.

Why the Trendy Nickname?

You are probably wondering now why the procedure was given the trendy (and kind of scary) moniker ‘vampire facial.’ This is due to how the optional PRP treatment is performed.

When you come in for your appointment your own blood is drawn and then is spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the PRP and PPP.

In this part of the procedure you have your own Platelet Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, used as a serum. This is not red like you would expect. Instead, it is a gooey yellowish color. The practitioner will take a small vial or two of your plasma so it can be used immediately with the needing.

The reason this is done is because Platelet Rich Plasma contains extremely high concentrations of your body’s growth factors. This stimulates a healing response which ensures that the healing process is not only optimal, but faster too.

Does It Work?

Microneedling PRP

Thus far everyone is swearing by the procedure, stating the results are far beyond any other facial treatment.  It is also Scientifically proven to create the most layers of collagen than any other procedures on the market including laser. It improves the complexion, texture, and – especially – the firmness of your skin. It is also said to assist in reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks, as well as shrinking the size of pores.

A Few Quick Notes

  • Most people do not feel any pain during the procedure.
  • Patients may feel a little pressure while micro needling is underway.
  • Redness and mild bruising is normal. It will disappear within a few hours to a few days after the treatment’s conclusion.
  • The process takes about 2 hours from start to finish.
  • The skin may feel slightly hot and tight immediately following.
  • You can not wear makeup or sunscreen for 24 hours following.
  • It is advised you plan ahead and avoid sun for a week or so, sun is not your friend after a treatment.


It is estimated that at any given time, there are 50 million Americans battling acne. Of these, more than half will experience permanent scarring that ranges from mild to severe. Acne scars can have a tremendous impact on your self-confidence, and they can even lead to clinical depression. If you are interested in learning more about the best ways to reduce the appearance of your acne scars, there’s a good chance you are a candidate for advanced microneedling therapy.

How Advanced Microneedling is Different

Traditional microneedling utilizes a machine with several needles that vibrate to puncture the top layers of the skin. The treatments last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, and they can help with a variety of issues like fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, acne, rosacea, and even age spots. Following the puncture treatment, topical solutions are applied to the skin for absorption. Though practitioners have used microneedling for several years with a great deal of success, today’s advanced microneedling tools and procedures are far better.

Vintage Lashes, for example, is the only provider in southwestern Florida that utilizes a patented advanced microneedling machine. Book an appointment online. It uses an up-and-down action rather than simple vibration, and because the needles are razor sharp threaded point with a U shape cap, the serum acts as a lubricant as it punctures the skin so there is minimal discomfort if any at all. The specially designed needles on the advanced microneedling machine have different sizes, the U shape cap at the top of the needle allows the serum to go deeper into the skin making the skin plumper, plus the machine allows user to adjust the depth to deliver platelet rich plasma more precision throughout the course of each treatment.

Advanced Microneedling

The Addition of Platelet Rich Plasma

While traditional microneedling has been shown effective, the use of advanced microneedling techniques, complete with PRP, provides better, faster, and more noticeable results. PRP stands for platelet rich plasma, and this plasma is obtained from individual patients own blood for use in their treatments. After drawing a small amount of blood, your practitioner will put it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells, then reinject that plasma during your microneedling treatment. Science has shown that the addition of platelet rich plasma enhances the body’s own natural healing process, resulting in an abundance of collagen.

Why Microneedling Works

Though it may seem counterintuitive to treat scarred skin with needles in an effort to reduce the appearance of scars, the science behind it is solid, and almost all patients experience significant reduction in scars and wrinkles following their treatments. The idea is that as the needles penetrate through the layers of your skin, they cause a very mild (but still very real) injury. This triggers your body’s immune system to come to the rescue and “rebuild” the area with newer, brighter skin along with more collagen. With just one or two treatments, the extra collagen production plumps the skin and makes scars, wrinkles, and other sunken areas appear more normal.

Who Is a Microneedling Candidate?

Unlike certain other scar-reducing therapies, advanced microneedling is great for just about anyone. Lasers have long been used to reduce the appearance of acne scars, but for people with darker skin, the risk of hyperpigmentation can be quite high. Fortunately, these risks are nonexistent with advanced microneedling, and in fact, many patients undergo these treatments to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Today’s high-tech advanced microneedling with platelet rich plasma therapy is one of the best, fastest, and most effective ways to reduce the appearance of acne scars, and the best part is that almost anyone is the perfect candidate. Schedule your consultation today so you can treat your scarring, boost your self-esteem, and put your best face forward every day.

These days, men and women alike will go to great lengths to look just a few years younger. Everything from full facelifts requiring general anesthesia to expensive creams that may not even work grow more popular every day. Fortunately, an advanced microneedling procedure provided by Vintage Lashes in Naples, Florida can help you look many years younger in a single affordable session.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is sometimes referred to as collagen induction therapy. The goal is to stimulate your body’s natural collagen production and it does so in a very interesting way. The minimally-invasive in-office procedure utilizes tiny needles that penetrate the skin and deliver nutrients designed to help boost collagen production. These nutrients, combined with the procedure itself, can help erase fine lines, improve the appearance of wrinkles, and make your skin appear much younger in just one session.

How Vintage Lashes is Different

Though numerous salons and cosmetic surgery centers in the area that offer microneedling, Vintage Lashes owns the only patented microneedling machine of its kind. The staff trained alongside the machine’s inventor, and the machine allows the staff to create and redeliver doses of your own PRP, or platelet-rich-plasma at the time of your treatment with every single puncture. The machine utilizes a lightning-fast up and down motion, and a .02mm needle delivers serum that is forced deeply into the skin, thus plumping the skin. With traditional microneedling, serums are absorbed; at Vintage Lashes, the serum is delivered precisely where it needs to be.

Before, During, and After

If you are considering microneedling from Vintage Lashes, you will need to attend a consultation. Staff will perform a quick blood draw, and they will use this to create the serum that is designed specifically for your body. Collagen, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E are just a few of the ingredients delivered into your skin via your body’s own PRP. Though some pain is normal, Vintage Lashes uses a procedure that is less painful because the serum is being delivered into the skin as it is punctured which also acts as a lubricant as the needle punctures the skin. Following the procedure, redness and a small amount of swelling are normal, but this sill subside in a few days.

If you are interested in microneedling, visit the Vintage Lashes website to learn more about their unique microneedling procedure and book an appointment.


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