PRP Hair Restoration is a procedure undergone by both men and women who are suffering from hair loss or thinning along the scalp. The procedure can help to drastically increase a person’s overall quality of life, thanks to a boost in confidence and mood that comes with feeling better about one’s appearance.
Many people have contemplated undergoing a PRP Hair Restoration procedure, but have many questions about how the aftercare might affect their lives and whether there may be any complications. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about this unique procedure, to help alleviate some concerns and allow potential patients to make a well-informed decision.
Platelets are naturally extremely rich in the connective tissue growth and healing factors. The bodies first response to tissue injury is to deliver platelets to the area. Platelets initiate repair and attract stem cells to the injury. Injecting these growth factors into damaged hair follicles stimulates the natural repair process. In order to maximize the healing process, the platelets must be concentrated and separated from the red blood cells.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I drink alcohol after my procedure? You should avoid alcohol for at least three days before and after your procedure, as imbibing could result in slowed healing.
Can I smoke cigarettes? It is preferred that patients avoiding smoking cigarettes for a minimum of three days after their procedure. Those who avoiding smoking tend to have better results and fast healing times than those who continue to smoke.
Will I be in pain after my procedure? It is possible that you may feel a minimal to moderate amount of discomfort following the procedure, but this should steadily and significantly lessen over the next few hours.
Can I take anything for my pain? Yes. You can take Tylenol for any pain or discomfort you experience, according to the dosage instructions available on the bottle. Avoid any inflammatory medications, like Ibuprofen, however, as a triggering of the body’s natural inflammation response is necessary for optimal results.
Can I continue taking my normal medications before and/or after the treatment? If you take blood thinning medications, you can take them for at least three days before and three days after the procedure. This could potentially lead to excessive bleeding and disrupt the natural healing process. If you are taking any other long-term or over the counter medications, consult with your technicians or your primary physician to find out if it is safe to continue taking.
Can I wash my hair after the procedure? You should wait to wash your hair until at least 24 hours have passed. If possible to go longer without washing, you should try to do so. When you do wash your hair, use a shampoo that is free of sulfate. You should also avoid any haircare products (like gel, hair spray, mouse, etc.) for a minimum of three days after your procedure.
Following the proper aftercare instruction provided in the answers above is pertinent to a fast recovery. If any new questions arise, it is advisable to discuss them with the trained professional doing your procedure. They will be able to answer any questions you have pertaining to aftercare or the procedure itself.
Hair restoration PRP is a relatively new way to combat a thinning scalp or overall hair loss. During the procedure, blood is extracted from the patient and is spun in a special machine called a centrifuge. The purpose of this machine is to separate the platelets from the red blood cells to create a rich plasma.
This ‘Platelet Rich Plasma’ or PRP is then injected back into the scalp to help stimulate the dead and/or damaged hair follicles. This can create new growth or create healthier, thicker growth – depending on what the exact hair loss issue is.
The reason this works so well is that the platelets help immediately begin “healing” the damage done by the cooccurring punctures a patient will receive. These two things will cause the body to heal itself, thus rebuilding collagen and natural hair follicles simultaneously.
If you’ve decided to try hair restoration PRP to help your thinning hair or balding scalp it is important you be well informed on what is needed before the procedure. This will both keep you safe, allow you to heal effectively, and help see the most positive results.
To help you better prepare for your appointment, we’ve created a short listing of the most common questions regarding preparations for hair restoration PRP.
Yes. You can color your hair up to three days before your procedure but should avoid it in the one to two days before.
That depends. Anything that thins the blood should be discontinued at least one week before your treatment, but preferably ten days. This includes multivitamins, as well as any supplements containing vitamin’s E or A, ginko, cod liver, flax, garlic, or essential fatty acids. You can, however, continue taking iron and vitamin D supplements.
You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages at least three days before your appointment.
If possible, we suggest limiting your smoking habits for three days before the procedure. It is preferred you stop smoking altogether but limiting is more helpful than nothing.
Yes. You can even shampoo the morning of your appointment.
Yes. It is safe to continue hair replacement therapies.
Yes. There are a few things you should do in the day or two before your procedure. These are as follows:
More than 50% of women and some 65% of men will experience noticeable hair loss at some point in their lives. Whether caused by genetics, scars on the scalp, injuries, or as a side effect of medications, hair loss can be embarrassing and take a toll on one’s self-esteem. Though there are many ways to treat hair loss, hair restoration PRP services are growing in popularity. Here’s what you should know about this approach to regrowth and how it works.
To truly understand how a hair restoration PRP treatment works, it is important to first understand PRP, or platelet rich plasma. In order to “create” this substance that plays a vital role in hair regrowth, the practitioner will first extract the patient’s blood, put it in a centrifuge, and separate the red blood cells from the plasma, which is full of platelets. Then, this concentrated plasma is delivered into the treatment area, where it can set the stage for hair regrowth.
Platelets are best known for their clotting ability, which is designed to slow and eventually stop bleeding, but they do so much more. In fact, they are vital for many kinds of injury healing because they contain a variety of growth factors that help restore tissues throughout the body. When you experience any kind of injury, your body’s first response is to send platelets to the affected area. Once they arrive, they start to initiate the repair process and attract your own stem cells to the injury site.
Hair loss is essentially the result of injury to the hair follicles, whether the loss is genetic or due to an injury. Vintage Lashes uses a Patented Advanced Microneedling Machine that has an external tube that holds the patients PRP which is attached to the razor sharp needles, every puncture is delivering PRP into the areas of the scalp affected by thinning hair serve much the same purpose as they do in other parts of your body. The delivery of platelets to these areas stimulates your body’s natural healing process, and in turn, your body starts to repair the follicles that no longer produce hair. As a result, following PRP treatments, many patients begin to notice regrowth.
Most patients will notice new hair regrowth, better hair texture, and thicker hair shafts within two weeks after the initial treatment. The rate at which substantial and noticeable regrowth occurs is different for everyone, but on average, it takes roughly six months from the first treatment. Most patients will need four individual treatments every six weeks, then one treatment every three months until the hair’s natural volume has been restored. However, after the first two or three treatments, hair loss comes to a standstill. This means that hair restoration PRP can not only regrow hair, but it can also stop hair loss in its tracks.
If you have been looking for the perfect solution to your thinning hair, or if you are concerned about your rate of hair loss, hair restoration PRP treatment is by far one of the best and most effective procedures available. Unlike other treatments, such as topical medications that may or may not work and hair follicle transplants that sometimes do not take, hair restoration PRP works for almost everyone to regrow thick, lustrous hair.
Men and women all over the country struggle with hair loss for many different reasons. Whether your hair is thinning due to age or genetics, there’s a good chance you’ve considered numerous treatment options. Hair restoration with platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is one of very few options that is scientifically proven to work. Here, you can learn more about the procedure offered by Vintage Lashes and the reasons behind its explosive popularity.
At the heart of the hair restoration procedure is a product known as platelet-rich plasma, which Vintage Lashes develops in-office from each patient’s own blood. Human blood consists of 93% red blood cells, 6% white blood cells, and 1% platelets and plasma. The goal is to put your blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma, which will then be utilized during the hair restoration treatment.
During hair restoration PRP therapy, the platelets and plasma extracted from the patients’ blood are then injected back into the patients’ scalps to help stimulate the hair follicles. This works for many reasons. Platelets, especially, are helpful in creating new connective tissue and healing the body’s injuries. Platelets initiate repair and help bring stem cells to the injured area. Science has shown that damaged, inactive hair follicles can be healed and stimulated to regrow hair in this manner. It maximizes the number of platelets in the area, thus drawing in stem cells, healing follicles, and stimulating the regrowth of hair in a natural way.
While Vintage Lashes isn’t the only location that currently offers PRP hair restoration services, there are some advantages. Most other service providers only inject the plasma into the areas experiencing significant thinning or hair loss. At Vintage Lashes, the belief is that this limits the area being treated, which may not provide the desired results. Instead, the team utilizes a patented machine with a needle attached to a tube that holds the plasma. The team member performing the procedure can control the amount of serum delivered to each area, delivering more where it is needed and less where it is not. In just 10 minutes, the machine delivers up to 40,000 punctures.
During the first visit, you will participate in a consultation and a blood draw from which staff members will separate your platelets and plasma. Next, the technician will simply place your serum into the patented machine and go over your entire scalp, using more serum in places where hair is thinnest and less where it is not. Patients have experienced a great deal of success with this technique, and there is even evidence to suggest that treating the scalp in this way could slow or stop thinning in areas where it is not yet noticeable, too.
Hair restoration PRP is not an immediate quick fix for hair regrowth, but it certainly can prevent future hair loss and stimulate the natural regrowth of hair over time. Feel free to visit the Vintage Lashes website for more information or to book your consultation.