Scalp micropigmentation is a procedure which allows for tiny, permanent points to be made along the scalp. These points resemble normal hair growth in areas where a man might no longer grow hair. Many men have contemplated the idea of undergoing a scalp micropigmentation procedure, but feel unsure what associated benefits make it worthwhile. Below, we’ve listed out the primary benefits.

1: Scalp Micropigmentation Looks Realistic

Scalp Micropigmentation can simulate hair growth in areas where hair no longer grows, and the results are realistic. It also makes the scalp look fuller in areas where there is thinning hair. This is accomplished over several different sittings, with tiny points created closer and closer together over each sitting.

2: Scalp Micropigmentation Allows Men to Feel Natural

Unlike other methods of hiding or fixing hair loss, you can be natural about what you do with your hair. There is no risk of the hair falling off or out, or washing off. Men can exercise, swim, sleep, and do anything else they’d normally do without fear of the hair disappearing and revealing the fact that they suffer from hair loss issues.

3: Scalp Micropigmentation Boosts Confidence

When men feel better about the way they look, they are able to be more confident. This confidence can go far past feeling good about the way a man looks and transfer into the rest of his life. He might feel more confident about an upcoming job promotion, or about asking out a woman he’s had his eye on for some time. This can create a significantly better quality of life than when the man was worried or felt down about his hair issues.

4: Scalp Micropigmentation May Boost Mental Health

When a man feels self-conscious about his appearance, it is possible that he will start suffering from depression or anxiety. This is because these two mental issues stem from ongoing stress. Once the issue is fixed with scalp micropigmentation, men may experience a boost in happiness that helps dispel any associated depression or anxiety they may have previously suffered.

5: Scalp Micropigmentation May Allow Men to be More Active

It’s hard to be active when worrying about whether a toupee will fall off or hair fillers will wash away. When a permanent solution like Scalp Micropigmentation is found, it might allow men to be more active. They can, for example, go swimming without fear or undergo activity that will cause them to sweat. Increased activity is great for both physical and  mental health. The average adult should be endeavoring to get at least half an hour of moderate activity each day to maintain cardiovascular health and a healthy weight.


The benefits listed above are just the five most prominent a man can receive when he undergoes Scalp Micropigmentation. The benefits listed above are not all-inclusive. There may be more benefits, based upon a man’s individual circumstances. Remember that results may vary slightly, due to unique situations and extensiveness of hair loss.

Hair restoration PRP is a relatively new way to combat a thinning scalp or overall hair loss. During the procedure, blood is extracted from the patient and is spun in a special machine called a centrifuge. The purpose of this machine is to separate the platelets from the red blood cells to create a rich plasma.

This ‘Platelet Rich Plasma’ or PRP is then injected back into the scalp to help stimulate the dead and/or damaged hair follicles. This can create new growth or create healthier, thicker growth – depending on what the exact hair loss issue is.

The reason this works so well is that the platelets help immediately begin “healing” the damage done by the cooccurring punctures a patient will receive. These two things will cause the body to heal itself, thus rebuilding collagen and natural hair follicles simultaneously.

Preparing for Your Appointment

If you’ve decided to try hair restoration PRP to help your thinning hair or balding scalp it is important you be well informed on what is needed before the procedure. This will both keep you safe, allow you to heal effectively, and help see the most positive results.

To help you better prepare for your appointment, we’ve created a short listing of the most common questions regarding preparations for hair restoration PRP.

Can I color my hair before the procedure?

Yes. You can color your hair up to three days before your procedure but should avoid it in the one to two days before.

Can I continue taking natural supplements before my procedure, or are there adverse reactions with them?

That depends. Anything that thins the blood should be discontinued at least one week before your treatment, but preferably ten days. This includes multivitamins, as well as any supplements containing vitamin’s E or A, ginko, cod liver, flax, garlic, or essential fatty acids. You can, however, continue taking iron and vitamin D supplements.  

Can I drink?

You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages at least three days before your appointment.

Can I smoke?

If possible, we suggest limiting your smoking habits for three days before the procedure. It is preferred you stop smoking altogether but limiting is more helpful than nothing.

Can I shampoo my hair the day before?

Yes. You can even shampoo the morning of your appointment.

Can I use other hair loss treatments before my procedure?

Yes. It is safe to continue hair replacement therapies.

Is there anything else I should know?

Yes. There are a few things you should do in the day or two before your procedure. These are as follows:

  • Ensure you are adequately hydrated the day before. This includes a minimum of six glasses of water, spaced out throughout the day. You should also have one bottle of water directly before your session.
  • Eat a normal breakfast or lunch the day of your procedure, as this helps keep blood sugars stable.
  • Please avoid any anti-inflammatory medications for a minimum of three days before your session. This includes Motrin, Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, Advil, and voltaren, among others. You may, however, use Tylenol as necessary for pain or discomfort.

Scalp micropigmentation is giving hundreds of balding men the confidence they need to face the world again – without a baseball cap, trucker hat, or beanie within their constant reach. The cosmetic hair loss solution began in England and has since made its way to the states, where it has taken the market by storm.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

This procedure is a non-invasive treatment option for people who suffer from a variety of hair loss issues. This could include full balding, thinning hair, or a receding hairline. The procedure can be performed on either gender, but professionals state that around eighty percent of patients are men.

The reason men make up the vast number of patients is thanks largely to the fact that two-thirds (or more) of men will suffer from hair loss of some degree by the time they reach age 35, and significantly thinner hair by the age of fifty. Women, on the other hand, do not tend to see balding or thinning hair until they are much more advanced in age.

How Does It Work?

Scalp micropigmentation works by using a special pigment which is injected via a permanent makeup machine which has been equipped with a microneedle. This machine then lightly penetrates the skin to create the illusion of tiny follicles on the scalp. This essentially produces the little dots most people associate with stubble or “five o’clock shadow.”

Primary Benefit

The primary benefit to such a procedure is the appearance of hair, which leads to increased confidence. This confidence is a very big deal. According to psychological research studies, elevated levels of confidence are associated with a higher potential of getting those things you want. This might include a date (or follow up night out), a job, promotion, and many more.

Unlike other forms of hair loss remedies, this one is permanent. That means you can go swimming, work out at the gym, or take that early morning run without fear that anything will slip, drip, sweat off, or otherwise embarrass you.

Secondary Benefits

Although the appearance of natural hair growth and confidence are the primary benefits associated with receiving scalp micropigmentation, there are many secondary benefits which should not be overlooked. These include (but may not be limited to):

  • Decreased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
  • No more embarrassment or insecurities revolving around appearance
  • No more need to carry or wear a head covering everywhere
  • Look younger
  • No more purchasing expensive (and sometimes untrustworthy) hair regrowth serums

Although some people do not mind being bald – and in fact, embrace it as a lifestyle choice once hair begins to thin – the look is not for everyone. If you feel uncomfortable or lack confidence because of thinning hair or a bald head, it may be worth looking into the procedure. It comes with limited risk at a moderate cost – especially in comparison to other hair loss treatment methods.

Hair loss is a significant concern for both men and women, and while there are numerous options out there to treat many different kinds of hair loss, very few permanent solutions exist to resolve cosmetic issues caused by disease, injury, or hair restoration surgery. The team at Vintage Lashes located in Naples, FL is pleased to provide scalp pigmentation treatments, which create the illusion of real hair follicles and help hide these issues once and for all.

Who Should Consider Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation is a procedure that is designed to help create the illusion of real hair follicles. Though it is not ideal for creating the illusion of longer hair, it is ideal for individuals who have deformities or cosmetic issues stemming from dermatologic issues, past injuries, or even scars from hair restoration surgeries. It can still work for long hair by camouflaging the area that is bald or thin. It is essentially a cosmetic tattooing procedure that offers results that are both permanent and realistic. The vast majority of patients who undergo this treatment through Vintage Lashes are highly satisfied with the results.

Why Choose Vintage Lashes in Naples

The team at Vintage Lashes approaches the task of scalp micropigmentation differently in order to provide the best, longest-lasting, and most realistic results. The team starts with ensuring and improving the condition of the scalp via microneedling, which makes the scalp more pliable and soft. Then, the team works very hard to create pigments that exactly match each client’s natural hair color and skin tone. These pigments, unlike others, were specially developed to last for many 7-10 years without fading or changing color. The team also uses a very special tool designed to minimize human error to inject the pigment into the skin.

What to Expect

Before the procedure, your scalp will be prepped with a microneedling treatment, and the staff will put some of the pigmented ink on your scalp afterward to help reduce inflammatory reactions. Then, about a week later, the first scalp micropigmentation treatment occurs. The first session also helps reduce inflammatory reaction and will not produce much of an aesthetic change. In sessions one week apart, and typically in three sessions, the entire process will be competed. Touch-up sessions may be required for some patients. You should expect very minimal pain during the procedure along with a bit of redness and discomfort for a few hours after each treatment.

If you are interested in learning more about scalp micropigmentation, feel free to visit the Vintage Lashes website. You can schedule an appointment if you would like, or you can call to ask further questions.


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