Hydra Dermabrasion Facial

 Hydra Dermabrasion  Facial treatments

Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial is a medical-grade resurfacing treatment that clears out your pores, plus it hydrates your skin. The four-step treatment includes cleansing, exfoliating, extracting, and hydrating the skin with serums that are infused into pores with the HydraPeel Tip, a pen-like device. Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial is an invigorating treatment that can be given in as little as 30 minutes. It delivers long-term skin health and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of all skin types. It offers instant, noticeable results with no downtime or irritation. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.

Hydra Dermabrasion Procedures

A typical  Hydra Dermabrasion Facial takes about 30 minutes to complete, and most patients find it to be a comfortable, relaxing experience. Each of the steps in Master Hydra Dermabrasion  Facial’s relaxing 4-step process plays an important role in giving you the complexion you want.

  1. Cleanse and exfoliate: Your practitioner washes your skin and removes the outermost layers of dead, dull cells, making the skin more receptive to the next steps.
  2. Acid peel: A superficial peel loosens and dislodges dirt and other impurities without causing irritation or redness. Using Gysal that has Glycolic acid and Salicylic acid
  3. Extractions: A painless suction tool is used to painlessly clear away existing breakouts.
  4. Hydration: Using a special handheld tool, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid ingredients into your skin for lasting nourishment and protection.

Does your skin need an extra boost?

You know about our best-selling service,  Master Hydra Dermabrasion facial, but what you probably don’t know much about are the boosting options you can receive during your service. The four Booster options are, Brightalive Boost, Growth Factor Boost, Derma Boost, and Britenol Boost. We’ve broken each one down by what it does and helps with, so that you know which one is right for you!





Growth Factor Booster CTGF

If you’re looking for an overall booster to restore your skins health, the Growth Factor Booster is for you. Using growth factors (naturally occurring proteins that regulate cellular growth) this booster helps the skin’s overall structure and function. In addition to restoring your skin’s health, you will also see a difference in your fine lines and wrinkles.

  Britenol Booster

  Spend a little too much time in the sun during the 80’s and 90’s? Don’t worry, we all did. Thankfully the Britenol Boost is here to correct our mistakes!           Alpha – Arbutin is in this booster, which is derived from bearbetty extract to brighten the appearance of dark spots and sun damaged areas.

  Derma Booster

Even out your skin tone with a Derma Booster! Filled with skin conditioning peptides like acetyl octapeptide – 3, this booster will you a hydrated, firm, and even skin tone. This is a great booster to consider if you find yourself not loving the texture of your skin!

Brightalive Booster

Kiss skin discoloration goodbye, and say hello to a gratifying glow when you add the Brightalive Booster to your  Master Hydra facial! The unique blend of skin brighteners in this serum is what blocks the produciton of discolored pigmentation. Not only does that play a part in the after-glow, but the ingredient, Glycerin is also responsible.

We have a few options to choose from when you book your Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial. Our machine is different then your normal Hydrafacial it has several functions to combat and improve several skin conditions.

Basic  Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial: 30 minutes  (4 treatments $169 each)

This treatment is a 4 step process which is approximately 30 minutes.

Cleanse and exfoliate: Your practitioner washes your skin and removes the outermost layers of dead, dull cells, making the skin more receptive to the next steps.

Acid peel: A superficial peel loosens and dislodges dirt and other impurities without causing irritation or redness.

Extractions: A painless suction tool is used to painlessly clear away existing breakouts.

Hydration: Using a special handheld tool, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid ingredients into your skin for lasting nourishment and protection.



Deluxe  Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial: 45 minutes 

This treatment is a 4 step process including a Booster Serum of your choice to address specific skin concerns.

Cleanse and exfoliate: Your practitioner washes your skin and removes the outermost layers of dead, dull cells, making the skin more receptive to the next steps.

Acid peel: A superficial peel loosens and dislodges dirt and other impurities without causing irritation or redness.

Extractions: A painless suction tool is used to painlessly clear away existing breakouts.

Hydration: Using a special handheld tool, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid ingredients into your skin for lasting nourishment and protection.

Booster Serums: Derma booster: .improves the appearance of skin tone, texture, elasticity. Britenol: minimize dark spots. Restorative CGTF:($285) Age-Refinement to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Brightalive Booster: skin brighteners in this serum is what blocks the production of discolored pigmentation.



Anti-Aging  Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial: 60 minutes 

This  master hydra dermabrasion facial treatment includes the 4 steps of the basic  master hydra facial which is cleanse, exfoliate, acid peel, extractions, and hydration, starting the detoxification with with Lymphatic Drainage. After the Lymphatic Drainage and 4 step process we include a booster serum of your choice.

Booster Serums: Derma booster: .improves the appearance of skin tone, texture, elasticity. Britenol: minimize dark spots. Restorative CGTF:($285) Age-Refinement to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Brightalive Booster:skin brighteners in this serum is what blocks the production of discolored pigmentation.

We than follow up with the following add on anti-aging treatments.

Microcurrent Bio: improves skin elasticity of cheeks, chin, neck, etc.

Facial and Eye Ultrasonic: massage effect helps with fine lines, wrinkles, tightening and elasticity.

Spray Oxygen treatment: Improves chlorosis, dull conditions, makes skin rosy, white, transparent, tender, tightening indeed, and special spa oils.

LED Light Therapy: service concludes with light therapy to further reduce signs of aging. Also combats acne.


 Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial & Ance Treatment: 60 minutes 


This  master hydra dermabrasion facial treatment includes the 4 steps of the basic hydra dermabrasion facial which is cleanse, exfoliate, acid peel, extractions, and hydration, starting the detoxification with with Lymphatic Drainage. After the Lymphatic Drainage and 4 step process we include a booster serum that improves skin tone.

Booster Serums: Growth Factor CTGF: Improves the appearance of skin texture, reduction of inflammation, reduces acne pitting scars.

We than follow up with the following add on acne treatments.

Skin Scrubber: The ultrasonic Skin Scrubber is mainly to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and debris. The metal spatula vibrates ultrasonically to extract pores without pain. Prepares skin for the infusion mode. During an ultrasonic facial, high level sound wave technology is used to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin promoting cellular renewal, repair, toning muscles, increasing blood circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, combating puffiness, and swelling. Also improves skin care penetration.

High Frequency: stubborn acne, enlarge pores, reduce wrinkles, and fade dark circles under eyes.


Spray Oxygen treatment: Improves chlorosis, dull conditions, makes skin rosy, white, transparent, tender, tightening indeed, and special spa oils.


LED Light Therapy: service concludes with light therapy to further reduce signs of aging. Also combats acne.





Anti-Aging Deluxe  Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial & Acne : 70 minutes 

This  master hydra dermabrasion facial treatment includes the 4 steps of the basic hydra dermabrasion facial which is cleanse, exfoliate, acid peel, extractions, and hydration, starting the detoxification with with Lymphatic Drainage and Skin Scrubber. After 4 step process we include a booster serum of your choice.

Booster Serums: Derma booster: .improves the appearance of skin tone, texture, elasticity. Britenol: minimize dark spots. Restorative CGTF:($285) Age-Refinement to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Brightalive Booster:skin brighteners in this serum is what blocks the production of discolored pigmentation.

We than follow up with the following add on anti-aging treatments.

Microcurrent Bio: improves skin elasticity of cheeks, chin, neck, etc.

Skin Scrubber: The ultrasonic Skin Scrubber is mainly to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and debris. The metal spatula vibrates ultrasonically to extract pores without pain. Prepares skin for the infusion mode. During an ultrasonic facial, high level sound wave technology is used to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin promoting cellular renewal, repair, toning muscles, increasing blood circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, combating puffiness, and swelling. Also improves skin care penetration.

Facial and Eye Ultrasonic: massage effect helps with fine lines, wrinkles, tightening and elasticity.

High Frequency: stubborn acne, enlarge pores, reduce wrinkles, and fade dark circles under eyes.

Spray Oxygen treatment: Improves chlorosis, dull conditions, makes skin rosy, white, transparent, tender, tightening indeed, and special spa oils.

LED Light Therapy: service concludes with light therapy to further reduce signs of aging. Also combats acne.


 Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facials Benefits

  • Quick and Easy Treatment
  • No Down Time
  • Painless extractions
  • Customizable Treatment Tailored to your needs
  • Booster Serums for different skin conditions
  • Healthier glowing skin
  • Great before an event

Some of the conditions which may be treated by Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial include:

  • Skin imperfections
  • Oily, Congested Skin
  • Sunspots
  • Improve skin hydration
  • Acne
  • Skin Tone Eveness & Vibrancy
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce signs of Aging
  • Congestion
  • Enlarge Pores
  • Elasticity & Firmness
  • Brown Spots
  • More Youthful Appearance
  • Blackheads

How Long Does it Last?

Many clients report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment. The smooth results and hydration may last 5 to 7 days or even longer. We don’t believe in quick fixes, so one treatment 3-4 weeks is recommended for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, oily and congested skin. Continued Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial treatments are highly recommended to maintain skin health results.


What is a Master Hydra Dermabrasion Facial?

 Hydra Dermabrasion Facial is an invigorating treatment that can be given in as little as 30 minutes. It delivers long-term skin health and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of all skin types. It offers instant, noticeable results with no downtime or irritation. The Hydra Facial treatment removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while simultaneously bathing the new skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.

Why is a Master Hydra Dermabrasion facial good for my skin?

Hydration is the foundation of healthy, radiant skin. Irritation of the skin has been proven to increase signs of aging. HydraFacial is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.

Who is a candidate for treatment?

The  Hydra Dermabrasion Facial treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the  Master Hydra Facial treatment. Your skincare professional may choose specific treatment serums and/or customize the treatment for your unique skin conditions and needs.

How long is the treatment and is there any down time?

Our goal is to help support you in a balanced lifestyle. That’s why HydraFacial is a fast, efficient treatment that takes as little as 30 minutes- 60 minutes depending on which treatment you choose. You may put on makeup and return to your normal activities right after the treatment since there is no downtime.


Pre-Treatment Instructions:


Stop using any Isotretinoin products, like Accutane, for six months before treatment unless you’ve been given clearance by a clinician.

Discontinue the use of generic tretinoin or topical Retin-A for at least 48 hours prior to your treatment.

Don’t use any exfoliating treatments, like glycolic acid or enzymes, on the area that is going to be treated for at least 48 hours before your treatment.

Stop using any medium or deep chemical peels or chemical resurfacing treatments and laser treatments for at least two weeks before you have this facial treatment.

Do not wax or use depilatories for at least 48 hours before your treatment.

Stop using any over-the-counter acne medications, like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, for at least 48 hours before you have your facial.

Avoid any excessive sun exposure and do not use any tanning beds for at least 72 hours before treatment.

Do not have any Botox treatments for at least two weeks before treatment. You can have Botox done on the same day as your facial, but it must happen after the facial.

Do not shave your face on the same day as the facial treatment.


Post- Care Instructions:


Don’t pick at your skin: Your skin has just experienced a deep cleanse. You might be tempted to pop that small whitehead and blackhead that is ruining your complexion, but please keep your hands off if you want a flawless look. Your facial expert did some extractions, disrupting your skin any further might cause irritation.

Skip the toner: Avoid using toner a day after your hydrafacial treatment. Alcohol-based toners or those with exfoliating agents may result in dryness and irritation. Since the aesthetician already did a deep cleanse and balanced your skin’s pH, you don’t need to use a toner anyway.

Avoid the gym: If you didn’t get to exercise before going for your hydrafacial avoid the temptation of sneaking into the gym later that day. The excess heat and sweat might be overbearing to your already exfoliated skin.

Be gentle when washing your face: The serums used and physical manipulation involved might disrupt the skin barrier. Therefore, use only gentle cleansers that will remove dirt without hurting your skin barrier.

Makeup: Avoid makeup for a day, your skin just went through exfoliation and deep cleansing so applying makeup the day of should be avoided, you don’t want to get a reaction from makeup.

Sauna: Avoid any sauna rooms for at least 1-2 days.

Products: Stay away from acne products, Retinols, avoid any peeling products, cleansers and toners with salicylic acid. These products will cause irritation, and redness. It is recommended for a few weeks. Avoid exfoliates and scrubs for several days. Over exfoliating can hurt the protective layer of your skin and cause inflammation.

Masks: Many face masks designed to brighten, exfoliate, or treat acne may cause inflammation to skin that is sensitive from the hydrafacial, the ingredients in these treatments can irritate already sensitive skin.

Waxing: Avoid any waxing for 48 hours

Sun: Avoid sun exposure for 72hrs. Always use SPF 30 whenever in the sun to protect your skin.


Only Facial Treatment on the market that

  • Cleanses
  • Exfoliates
  • Extracts
  • Hydrates

In One Treatment!!!!

  • Most talked about treatment on the market
  • Every 15 seconds a Hydra dermabrasion facial is performed
  • One of the best  facial treatments on the market


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